Current purchase prices
- Gold
- Silver
- Palladium
- Platinum
- Rhodium
- Silverware / pewter
- Electronic scrap
Electronic scrap purchase prices & sorting criteria
General: Electronic scrap is a very inhomogeneous recycling material. In this case, purchase prices are based on the metal contents contained, whereby the respective gold, silver, palladium and copper contents vary from component to component, from PCB to PCB and from chip to chip, which means that we specify sorting criteria for e-scrap price groups in order to calculate fair purchase values. All batteries must be removed. Our purchase prices are automatically adjusted several times a day to the current metal quotations.. For larger quantities of identical PCBs or components from industry, we calculate individual purchase prices based on sample submissions after we have determined the individual metal contents in our laboratory.
Class 1-A PCBs
Class 1-A PCBs are old PCBs with galvanically gold-plated contacts / connector strips, very many small and densely placed chips, mostly from old mainframe computers / servers. The circuit boards must not be stripped, attachments such as metal sheets, frames and heat sinks are removed.
Class 1-B PCBs
Class 1-B PCBs are PCBs from computers / industrial equipment which have visible gold-plating and numerous chips / transistors and plug-in contacts containing precious metals. In the case of motherboards / plug-in cards (sound + graphics cards), only old circuit boards manufactured before 2000. Metal sheets and heat sinks are removed, as are batteries.
Class 1-C PCBs
Class 1-C PCBs are colourful motherboards without attachments from computers (yellow, blue, orange, purple, also green PC motherboards, graphics cards / sound cards manufactured from 2020 onwards / starting from Pentium4 / AMD Athlon PC generation). They also include Class 1-A and 1-B PCBs from which ferrous and aluminium attachments such as metal sheets and heat sinks have not been removed, or from which components containing precious metals such as chips have been removed.
Class 2-A PCBs
Class 2-A PCBs are PCBs from industrial equipment which, however, unlike class 1 PCBs, have hardly any visible gold contacts. The circuit boards are equipped with small chips containing precious metals, transistors and quartz crystals, but must not contain any components (heat sinks, transformers, capacitors) larger than a thumb. Also included are class 1-C PCBs with attachments.
Class 2-B PCBs
Class 2-B PCBs are PCBs from industrial equipment which, however, unlike class 1 PCBs, have hardly any visible gold contacts. The circuit boards are equipped with only a few chips containing precious metals, transistors and quartz crystals, and may occasionally contain component attachments such as heat sinks, transformers or relays.
Class 3 PCBs
Class 3 PCBs are boards with large components such as capacitors, transformers, heat sinks and only a few components / chips or contacts containing precious metals. They originate mostly from monitors, power supply controls or consumer electronics. They also include class 1-And 2 PCBs if they contain very large / heavy attachments.
Rear walls
Rear walls are the connector strip board of a mainframe computer / server. The price depends on the gold content or whether the contact pins are completely gold-plated or only the tip, on the coating thickness, the weight or thickness of the base plate, and on whether all attachments such as metal frames have been removed.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
3.00-12.00 €/kg up to 1t
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Info: Plug strip boards from normal computers are not rear walls, which belong to class 1-B PCBs.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
2,50 €/kg up to 1t
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Info: Special connectors with considerably higher-quality gold plating, such as those used in industry, correspond to Class I PCBs up to and including rear walls in terms of their purchase value.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
4 to 50 Euro/kg depending on gold content
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Purchase price 09.03.2025
36,70 €/kg up to 100kg
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Info: Prices for assembled mobile phone circuit boards only, mobile phone PCBs without components are valued according to their precious metal content.
Mobile phones (Group A)
Old group A mobile phonesHandys are standard mobile phones with dial keypad and small display. The circuit boards contain precious metals and other recyclable material. As some of the housings are difficult to open, we also buy them unassembled. Only the battery has to be removed. The cover must be removed to facilitate inspection.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
15,85 €/kg up to 1t
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Info: Prices apply to “real” mobile phones only, not for normal cordless phones
Smartphones (Group B)
Old Group B Smartphones are mobile phones with touch-sensitive screens and often equipped with digital and video cameras. The components and PCBs contain precious metals that can be recycled. Since the housings are sometimes difficult to open, we also buy smartphones unassembled. Only the battery has to be removed. The cover must be removed to facilitate inspection.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
7,50 €/kg up to 1t
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Info: Prices apply only to real Smartphones, not for normal cordless phones and not for PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants).
Old laptops / notebooks contain precious metals in the installed components and PCBs that can be recycled. As some of the housings are difficult to open, we also buy them unassembled. Only the battery has to be removed. If possible, the screen should also be removed. There are differences in the purchase price.
Minimum purchase quantity 100kg.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
283,63 Euro/kg up to 100kg
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Info: Prices for Goldcap processors without heat sink or fan attachments
Purchase price 09.03.2025
166,84 Euro/kg up to 100kg Ceramic CPUs, clean
Price for ceramic processors without heat sink or fan attachments
130,13 Euro/kg up to 100kg AMD-CPU with aluminium plate
Price for AMD ceramic processors with aluminium cooling plate
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
CPU plastic processors
Plastic CPU processors from computers / notebooks / industrial computers without attachments such as fans or heat sinks. The colour is mostly black, green or brown.
Plastic CPU (mostly green) with cooling plate, which have not been removed, have a separate purchase price.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
68,40/kg up to 100kg plastic CPUs clean
Price for plastic processors without heat sink or fan attachments
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Purchase price 09.03.2025
18,35/kg up to 100kg plastic CPU with cooling plate
Prices apply to plastic processors with cooling plate
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Purchase price 09.03.2025
45,88 Euro/kg up to 100kg slot CPUs, clean
Price for slot PCBs without heat sink or fan attachments
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Purchase price 09.03.2025
45,88 Euro/kg up to 100kg RAM gold edge
16,68 Euro/kg up to 100kg RAM silver edge
Info: Price applies to pre-sorted RAM memory boards
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Chips / Eproms / ICs from computers / industrial computers. For normal black chips, a distinction is made between the following types:
- Ceramic chips, ceramic e-proms
- Plastic chips, pastic ICs
Special chips / components, telephone chips, bank card chips, SIM cards, etc. For larger quantities, price calculation according to precious metal content.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
20,85 €/kg up to 100kg ceramic eproms
14,18 €/kg up to 100kg plastic chips
Special chips according to precious metal content
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Purchase price 09.03.2025
Prices according to gold content
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material content analysis
CDs / DVDs / Blu-Ray Discs
Old optical data storage media are CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs that are no longer used, scratched or no longer readable. The carrier discs are mainly made of polycarbonate, a valuable raw material for the plastics and chemical industry. For this reason, optical data carriers can be recycled and sent for reuse. Only data carriers without sleeves are accepted.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
0,05 €/kg up to 1t
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Info: We do not buy single CDs / DVDs / BluRay Discs. Only commercial quantities from 50kg Broken or cut discs will not be reimbursed.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
0,77 €/kg cable
0,73 €/kg cable with plug
0,42 €/kg ribbon cable with plug
0,00 €/kg ribbon cable without plug
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Purchase price 09.03.2025
0.50-5.00 €/kg depending on the type
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection
Compoents / contacts
Components / contacts: Other contact materials containing precious metals, contact rivets / punched strips or components such as reed relays, quartz crystals, transistors, resistors. The composition of the precious metals in these materials is too variable to allow the calculation of flat-rate purchase price groups. In this case, the remuneration or the value determination is carried out according to the metal content evaluation.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
According to precious metal content
Prices for special or larger lots on request / after material inspection / laboratory analysis
Non-ferrous metals
Non-ferrous metals / special metals: Non-ferrous metals / special metals from the recycling of electronic scrap or as production residues from electronics manufacturers can be, for example, copper, brass, aluminium, tin, lead, tantalum, molybdenum, indium etc.. In this case, daily purchase prices may apply that are strongly dependent on the quantity and purity of the metal type.
Purchase price 09.03.2025
Daily prices depending on quantity and material
Prices for larger quantities of production residues on request
Info: As a precious metal recycler and trader, non-ferrous metals are not the main focus of our ESG activities. In the case of non-ferrous metals, from the perspective of transport costs, the best solution may be to sell them to a local scrap dealer.